OSINT agency

Threat Cat is OSINT & Threat Intelligence platform that helps you identify and respond to cyber threats.

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Threat Cat community

The history of Threat Cat began in 2019. We have built a strong structure within the company and scaled our services in the field of private intelligence, search and analysis of information to foreign markets. Currently, Threat Cat provides private intelligence services in 39 countries, with the largest number of OSINT investigations in Scandinavia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

hreat Cat has created the Threat Cat OSINT community. Currently, a part of the Threat Cat team is fully dedicated to military investigations, propaganda refutation, war criminals identification, and geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). We involve volunteers in non-profit projects, and the most effective ones are offered a place on the team. Threat Cat continues to provide Private intelligence services.

Threat Cat's commercial customers are a confidential part of the company's business. The result of the Threat Cat analysts' work becomes the property of the customer for an unlimited period. The cost of work for each order is calculated individually.

Threat Cat trains cyber experts in OSINT and HUMINT

In addition to investigations, the Threat Cat OSINT agency cooperates with state security companies and representatives of law enforcement agencies. On a voluntary basis, we conduct OSINT and HUMINT courses for civil servants and cadets of educational institutions. Our goal is to strengthen the professional skills of relevant experts.

The lecturers of the Threat Cat OSINT company have conducted trainings for students of the Security Service and some non-governmental civilian training foundations. The investigations of the Threat Cat OSINT community have formed the basis of the training program.