OSINT investigations
Threat Cat's open-source investigations are an internal product of our agency. If you want to use materials from our OSINT investigations on the media pages or thematic blogs, make sure to leave a link to the Threat Cat website in your text. We are ready to provide you with additional information on each material, please contact us.
The list of people on this page is unique because most of the individuals presented have not been mentioned elsewhere. These people continue to cause damage to Threat Cat which is why they are on our website.
Carding Forum
Owner identity and other information about this cheating forum. Full investigation available.
Justas Vaitkus
Mint, justygg
Attempted to extort companies by selling their data. Tried to deny this doxing information is his.
Odd Bjørn Mikaelsen
Ghost720, OddyDJ, TheRealGhost720
Known for impersonating Lizard Squad hackers, making threats against others, and leaking source code. Engaged in malicious activities under multiple aliases.
Emma Wilson
Industrial Spy
Attempted to extract proprietary methodologies through insider contacts.