Threat Intelligence Investigations
This page contains all of our in-depth threat intelligence reports and malware analyses. Articles are sorted by date, and you can filter them by tags or use the built-in search. Our cybersecurity investigations are a product of our dedicated research team. If you want to reference our threat intelligence reports or malware analyses in your publications or security blogs, please include a link to the Threat Cat website. For more detailed information on any report, feel free tocontact us.
Please note that these public reports represent only a portion of our cybersecurity work. We offer a range of professional services, including: advanced persistent threat (APT) tracking, malware reverse engineering, vulnerability assessments, threat hunting, incident response, and custom threat intelligence. These services are available on a commercial basis, and all information from private engagements is kept strictly confidential.
Recent Investigations
Check out the latest investigations.
MisterioLNK: Crafting Malicious Loaders with Open-...
According to its GitHub repository, MisterioLNK is an open-source loader builder that exploits Windo...